Oscar Mateos Martín

Doctor in International Relations with European mention, by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), postgraduate degree in Culture of Peace and BA in Political Science and Administration. He is currently professor and coordinator of the Degree of International Relations at the School of Communication and International Relations Blanquerna (Universitat Ramon Llull). He has focused his study on issues related to the analysis of armed conflicts and post-conflict peacebuilding processes in Africa, especially in the West African region. He has worked in the School of Culture of Peace (UAB) several years and collaborated with organizations such as Médicos Sin Fronteras in South Sudan or Conciliation Resources  in Sierra Leone. He was visiting professor at the University of Sierra Leone (Fourah Bay College) between 2006 and 2008 and visiting research at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) (University of London). He has edited and co-edited several books on the challenges of peace and security in sub-Saharan Africa, and published several articles and monographs on conflict and peacebuilding in the region. In 2008 he won the "Casa Africa Prize" for the best essay on democratization processes in sub-Saharan Africa.

External publications


  • Mateos, Óscar; Tomàs, Jordi (coord.) (2015): Detrás del ébola: un análisis multidisciplinar de un problema global, Bellaterra Edicions, Barcelona.
  • Mateos, Óscar ; Grasa, Rafael (ed.) (2014): ¿Una nueva era para áfrica? Nuevos desafíos y nuevas perspectivas sobre paz y seguridad en África Subsahariana, La Catarata, Madrid
  • Botey , J., Díaz-Salazar, R. Mateos, O. y Sanz, J. (2011), Indignados, Editori Internazionali Reuniti (en italià)
  • Mateos, Óscar (ed.) (2009), Paz y seguridad en África Subsahariana, La Catarata, Madrid.
  • Mateos, Óscar (ed.) (2009), Peace and Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, La Catarata, Madrid (edició en anglès).
  • Mateos, Óscar (2009): Las últimas horas de ‘Pa’ Kabbah. Reconstrucción posbélica, democratización y ‘paz liberal’ en Sierra Leona, Casa África, Premio de Ensayo Casa África, La Catarata, Madrid

 Capítulos de Libro:

Artículos de revista, monograficos, working papers: