Legal Notice

This website provides information about CIDOB and the services it offers.

EL CENTRE D’INFORMACIÓ I DOCUMENTACIÓ INTERNACIONAL A BARCELONA – FUNDACIO CIDOB (hereinafter CIDOB) informs users of this website of the following terms of use.


The domain name is owned by CIDOB.

CIDOB, with tax ID number G08824187, has its registered office in C/ Elisabets 12, 08001 – Barcelona.

CIDOB is entered in the Autonomous Government of Catalonia’s Register of Private Foundations with registry number 579.

CIDOB’s contact email address is


Access to and use of this website and its subdomains and services and content are subject to the terms and conditions detailed in this Legal Notice, without prejudice to the fact that some of the services or content may require the acceptance of additional general conditions.

CIDOB provides free and open access to the information and content of this website. Access is the sole responsibility of the user and any use made of the services or content included therein implies unconditional acceptance of the conditions of use.

CIDOB reserves the right, at any time and without the need for prior warning, to modify and update the information contained and the services offered, as well as the conditions required to use it.

The user undertakes to make proper use of the website and its content and services in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, good customs and public order. Likewise, the user undertakes not to use the website or its services for illicit purposes or purposes contrary to this Legal Notice, against the rights or interests of third parties, or with action that may damage, disable or deteriorate the website and prevent normal enjoyment of the website by other users.

CIDOB reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to the services it offers without the need for prior warning, acting on its own initiative or at the request of a third party, to users who fail to comply with the general conditions of use or other specific conditions established on this site.

CIDOB also reserves the right to withdraw any comments and/or contributions that violate respect for the dignity of the person; that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist or pornographic; that violate public order and security; or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication. Notwithstanding, CIDOB will not be held responsible for the opinions expressed by users through the blogs or any of the instruments of participation that may be developed.
CIDOB will pursue any breach of these conditions, as well as any improper use of its website, taking any applicable legal action.


CIDOB processes your data solely for the services you request and its capacities in accordance with current legislation on data protection and the information society.

Only the information necessary to provide the user with a satisfactory service will be collected electronically. When a user connects to our website, we only analyse the type of browser being used, the character set being used and its version, in order to ensure that the site is displayed correctly. 

The use of your personal data will remain confidential. For more detailed information about our data processing, see our Privacy Policy.


This website uses cookies to improve services and user navigation.

Users can set their browser to alert them to the reception of cookies and to block them from being installed on the hard disk. It is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by CIDOB in order to browse this website.

For more information, see our Cookies Policy.


The entire website, including its design, structure, distribution, responses to user enquiries, texts, contents, logos, buttons, images, drawings, source code, documentation, belong to CIDOB or, if applicable, to the persons or entities that appear as authors or holders of the copyrights.

The total or partial reproduction or exploitation of the contents of this website, by any means whatsoever, for uses other than the legitimate non-for-profit knowledge of users is prohibited.

The use of frames or any other mechanisms designed to conceal the origin or source of the contents, any use, transformation or exploitation of the contents for commercial or promotional purposes or for purposes that are contrary to the law, morality or public order, that could harm the interests or tarnish the image of CIDOB or of legitimate third parties, that constitute unfair competition or, in general, that are contrary to the provisions of this document, is prohibited.


CIDOB offers users the option of subscribing and unsubscribing, via this website, to a newsletter service through which we will send information about our news, updates, etc.

CIDOB will only send commercial communications if the user requests it and gives their consent to do so.

CIDOB also offers users the possibility of subscribing and unsubscribing, via this website, to any of the publications distributed by CIDOB.

CIDOB will only send these publications at the express request of the user.


CIDOB accepts no responsibility for any damage or harm arising from circumstances of force majeure, such as, for example, errors in communications lines, defects in users’ hardware or software, internet network failures (of connection, in linked pages).

CIDOB does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of this website or its contents for technical, security, control or service maintenance reasons, for failures due to the server hosting the contents or other intermediaries or suppliers, for attacks on the computer system, or for any other reasons arising from causes beyond its control, and therefore rejects any direct or indirect responsibility for the same.

CIDOB reserves the right to modify this Legal Notice in order to adapt it to possible changes in the law, as well as to those changes that may arise from existing standard codes on the subject or for strategic or corporate reasons. All this is without prejudice to requesting users’ consent when it is necessary to carry out required processing and provided that this consent is not considered to have already been granted in accordance with the terms of this Legal Notice.

CIDOB's main objective is to guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of users’ personal data, collected through any system that allows the transmission of data, passing through totally secure channels. It therefore declares its commitment to comply with the legislation in force on this matter at any given time.

CIDOB accepts no responsibility for the improper use that may be made of the contents of its website, this being the exclusive responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them. Nor does it accept any responsibility for the information contained in the web pages of third parties which may be accessed through links from the site. The presence of these links is for information purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes an invitation to contract products or services that may be offered on the destination website.

In the event that CIDOB should have effective knowledge that the activity or information to which these links refer is illicit, constitutes a crime or that it could damage the property or rights of third parties susceptible to compensation, it will act with the necessary diligence to remove or disable the corresponding link as soon as possible.


CIDOB reserves the right to make any changes it considers necessary to the terms and conditions established in this Legal Notice. These amendments will be prominently displayed at

CIDOB also reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without the need for prior warning, modifications and updates to the information contained on the website, and to the website’s configuration, availability and display.