Pol Bargués
Senior Research Fellow
Pol Bargués is a Senior Research Fellow at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs), working on the Horizon 2020 project (JOINT), which examines the EU’s external action in conflict-affected societies. He also contributes to the project REGROUP on governance and policies after Covid-19 and SHAPEDEM on EU’s democracy support policies in its Eastern & Southern Neighbourhoods
Bargués earned his PhD from the University of Westminster, United Kingdom, in 2014. Before joining CIDOB in 2018, he was a post-doc research fellow at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research and the Institute for Development and Peace (both from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany). He has also taught several International Relations courses in the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, Spain.
Over the years he has developed an interest in the intersection of philosophy, critical theory and international relations. He has critically interrogated international interventions and explored the ideas of resilience, hybrid peace, and hope. He is author of Deferring Peace in International Statebuilding: Difference, Resilience and Critique (Routledge 2018) and has published in diverse academic journals like Review of International Studies, Global Society, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Millennium Review of International Studies or Democratization. Since 2020, Bargués is Editor in Chief in the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding and of the book series Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding.