From Alternative Narratives to Citizens True EU Stories

The project sought to contrast the solidity of the traditional narrative of peace and prosperity that is still evoked as the main achievement of the European Union. FACTS tested whether the time had made a dent in this narrative; whether it remained a powerful mobilising factor; or if mobilised and non-mobilised citizens thought of a different narrative than that of peace and prosperity.

Project number: 615563
Duration: -
Budget: 146.160 €

The FACTS project compared citizen perspectives in different member states, exploring whether the divergences, if any, were due to geography; if the narratives were still just as strong; or if age or gender played a decisive role in the citizens’ position regarding the EU. To dissect the different narratives, FACTS inquired about their origin, analysing whether they had more credibility it they were coming from a closer circle of contacts. The aim was to understand what made citizens more inclined to believe certain rumours or fake news, and whether there were common trends in all these narratives about the European Union.


After bringing together citizens from Italy, Greece, Germany, Poland and Spain in focus groups, the results were analysed and disseminated by each project partner:

  • CIDOB, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs

From Storytelling to Action: Visions and Proposals from European Citizens

Del relat a l’acció: visions i propostes des de la ciutadania europea

  • IAI, Istituto Affari Internazionali

FACTS – Real Information for a Brighter Future

FACTS – Informazioni reali per un futuro migliore

  •  ELIAMEP, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy

Citizens’ views on fake news and false narratives about the European Union – FACTS project

Απόψεις των πολιτών σχετικά με τις ψευδείς ειδήσεις και αφηγήσεις για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση – Έργο FACTS

  •  Das Progressive Zentrum

Facts and Fake News in European Narratives

Fakten und Fake News in europäischen Erzählungen

  •  WiseEuropa

FACTS project – results of meetings of two focus groups

Projekt FACTS – wyniki spotkań dwóch grup focusowych

In the last phase, FACTS brought together citizens from the different member states that have participated in the project with national parliamentarians. Together, they discussed the main conclusions of the project and exchanged ideas. Thus, mobilised and non-mobilised citizens were able to speak directly with their political representatives and convey their positions regarding the European Union and their visions, especially those related to narratives and disinformation.

The conclusions of the project were reflected in the final monograph, which has been published by each project partner:

  • CIDOB, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs:

FACTS: From alternative narratives to citizens true EU stories

FACTS: de las narrativas alternativas a las verdaderas historias ciudadanas en la UE

  •  IAI, Istituto Affari Internazionali:

FACTS: da narrazioni alternative alle vere storie dei cittadini europei

  • ELIAMEP, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy:

FACTS: Από εναλλακτικά αφηγήματα σε αληθινές ιστορίες πολιτών της ΕΕ-Τελική Έκθεση

  • Das Progressive Zentrum:

FACTS: From alternative narratives to citizens true EU stories - Europäische Erzählungen

  • WiseEuropa:

FACTS: Od Alternatywnych Narracji do Prawdziwych Historii Obywateli UE

Project Manager: Marina Utges Serra

Grant decision No. 615563 and acronym FACTS
